The NRG Tunnelling module is used around the world on both shield driven and hard rock tunnels for railways roads and water courses.
It is used to to calculate actual excavation quantities, to check the as built alignment and prove the vehicles will pass through the tunnel taking into account all of the complexities of cant and dynamic envelopes.
There are also a variety of tools in the software to help in setting out drilling patterns, checking clearances on the fly and re designing track alignments.
NRG Tunnelling also offers a variety of tools in the software to help in setting out drilling patterns, checking clearances on the fly and re-designing track alignments.
Used with the monitoring module it is also able to help in predicting ground conditions.
Shapes are hung from an alignment with cants applied as appropriate.
Shapes can be morphed from one shape to another as the tunnel moves from station to tunnel or adit etc.
Reports are customised with the user being able to show best fit circle for circular tunnel or least squares best fit for complex shapes
A variety of information may be displayed on the report including clearances, best fit centre, best fit shift X & Y, overbreak areas etc.
‘Wriggles’ may be run to show best fit and clearances over a length of tunnel and volumes of overbreak calculated with the wriggle
Other tools include the ability to develop 3D rendered models, calculate setting out for floors and it will prepare schedules of laser target offsets or output tunnel axis coordinates for guidance systems
Point clouds captured with laser scanners or post processed photogrammetry offer a new challenge for software developers. Our new CloudEx software has been developed with the tunnelling section of the industry in the very fore front of our minds.
Morphed shape files can be extruded showing the tunnel design together with the as-built survey data. Drive through along the tunnel alignment to highlight potential problems.
Display live results showing clearances, under / over break and as-build tunnel departures.
Produce professional reports detailing tunnel departures and under break and over break.