Developed to include an array of useful features specifically for road and railway engineering surveyors.
Covers the entry, editing of strings and related data such as construction and dips. Strings are taken as horizontal and vertical alignments with widths and crossfalls attached to make up the road profile. Strings are displayed using plan views, long sections and cross sections so that the string can be seen and checked by eye as it is entered
Construction details are applied by specifying the depth of construction and the shape of the edge. A library of these edge details is supplied, this can be extended and customised as necessary. Edge details can also contain standard information about kerbs and construction widths, saving unnecessary data entry. Pavements and channels are also supported.
Dips are specified by giving a series of offsets and a dip at each offset. Dips may be entered for any chainages, and the system interpolates intelligently between them.
Once a geometry has been defined a long section of the terrain is displayed where you can add the vertical geometry and have the software display cut and fill areas for the long section of the route. Move IP’s graphically with the areas being updated to balance cut fills
Enter rules for carriageway and verge construction and let the Road and Rail Design Module develop the complete model.
The Calculate volumes function from the design window gives you the opportunity to fine tune the design to give the most cost effective route.
Now you only need to enter the gauge, horizontal, vertical alignment, cants and the position of the vertical alignment. The alignments can be entered by hand or imported from from MX or Intergraph (now Bentley). Cants can also be entered by hand or imported from a model. Once an alignment has been entered it is possible to determine lists of coordinates for either rail, centre lines or any offset in both plan and elevation. Alternatively points on the track can be surveyed and their relationship to the design calculated, i.e. giving lifts and slews to the design.
These lifts and slews can be exported to various formats including a ‘WinAlc’ used by Plasser tamping machines. Checking as built rails using the ‘versine’ method is automated using the software. The rails are surveyed and those points selected. A table can then be formatted in the usual way to show the chord length surveyed between each point, the surveyed gauge, the actual and theoretical versine offset.